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Andreas Roschger: Institutsmitglieder



When investigating the physical principles of tissue growth on the cellular and multicellular level we need to explore the micromechanical and biochemical properties and dynamics on a micrometer length scale. I want to understand the tricks that nature uses to generate complex shapes and further to link the findings to the larger length scale of tissue development. Especially in the context of bone growth, remodeling and mineralization much is to learn about the fundamental connections between simple physical principles and the biology of tissue formation.


since 2018

  • Post Doc at the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria


  • Four-month research visit of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, at the Department of Structural Biology as a DAAD fellow.


  • Post Doc at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department for Biomaterials, Potsdam, Germany 

2011 – 2015

  • Doctorate with Summa cum Laude in "Experimental Physics" at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Osteology, Austria and Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany.
    Thesis Title: "Quantitative Analysis of Local Mineral Content and Composition During Bone Growth and Remodeling."  


  • Research candidate at the Boltzmann Institute for Osteology, Vienna, Austria


  • Master of Science: “Technical Physics” at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
    Thesis title: "Localization of Trace Elements in Bone Tissue using Synchrotron Radiation Induced Micro-XRF in Combination with Quantitative Backscattered Electron Imaging"

Andreas Roschger: Text

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